Trevor Mills is pleased to announce that circuit racing at the Ford Test Track at Dunton SS15 6EE resumes after its covid break on Thursday, 4 May 2023 with the first event of the British Masters Cycle Racing (BMCR) series. There will be two races starting at 7.00pm, run concurrently for ABCD and EFGH and Women both lasting 1 hour plus 3 laps. For those of you who aren't aware BMCR, which was LVRC, provides racing for 40 years old and above. Although the racing is for 5 Year age categories you are allowed to race in a category that is suitable for you eg if you are 50 but feel your not able to compete with other riders of that age you may opt to ride say in the 60 year old category. It is truly racing for all and if you have never tried road racing a perfect introduction. Entry is £15.00 on the line.
The BMCR series is an 8 event series every two weeks and in the intervening weeks there is the Ford CC Novice and 4th cat series under British Cycling (BC) tech regs
with the first event on 11 May. Ford CC are also putting on a coaching evening at Dunton with Kevin Darragh this Thursday, 27 April. The session starts at 6.15pm and the cost is £5.00. The aim of the course is to give you experience of the circuit and group riding and would provide an excellent introduction to anybody who is thinking about riding either of the series or indeed anybody who wishes to improve their group riding skills.